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About Tanzania, East Africa

Interesting Facts




Tanzania is just one of many countries on the continent of Africa. It has the tallest free standing in the world, Mt. Kilimanjaro. Second largest lake in the world, Lake Victoria. Has Ngorongoro Crater which is one of Africa's Seven Natural Wonders.

Tanzania is located in East Africa, just south of the equator. It's population is over 60 million people. Over 50% of the population is under the age of 18, compared to 22% in the U.S. In 2022 the approx. life expectancy is 66 years of age. 

There are 120 distinct tribes and ethnic groups in Tanzania. The most recognizable one is the Maasai tribe with their distinct dress, traditions, and proximity to many national parks. According to the U.S. Dept of State,  "63 percent of the population identifies as Christian, 34 percent as Muslim, and 5 percent practitioners of other religions".

76% of Tanzanians rely on agriculture that they grow themselves or local natural resources for food. Many live a life without electricity or running water. Even though Tanzania has one of the worlds poorest economies, they are some of the friendliest, and happiest people that you will ever find. 

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